- 【作者】:Peilu Zhao,a Pengfei Cheng,b Biao Wang,c Shiting Yao,a Peng Sun,a Fengmin Liu,*a Jie Zhenga and Geyu Lu*a
- 【题目】:Bilayered photoanode from rutile TiO2 nanorods and hierarchical anatase TiO2 hollow spheres: a candidate for enhanced efficiency dye sensitized solar cells
- 【版面信息】:RSC Advances 4 (2014) 64737-64743
A bilayered photoanode for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) was constructed with the top layer using TiO2 hierarchical hollow spheres (THS) and the second layer based on 3D TiO2 nanorods. The anatase THS with diameters of 400-600 nm and with a specific surface area of 100.3 m2 g-1 were synthesized via a simple hydrothermal method. As a light scattering layer, the THS could provide dual-functions of adsorbing dye molecules and strong light-harvesting efficiency. The 3D TiO2 nanorods consisting of 1D vertically aligned rutile TiO2 nanorods (TNR) and 3D TiO2 nanoflowers (TNF) were synthesized by a one-step hydrothermal method. The unique 3D nanostructure could offer a better light scattering capability, faster electron transport and lower electron recombination. Consequentially, the bilayered cell exhibited a much higher short-circuit photocurrent density of 15.60 mA cm-2 and energy conversion efficiency of 7.50%, which indicated a 108.6% and a 36.8% increment of cell efficiency compared to the TNR-F electrode (7.36 mA cm-2, 3.60%) and THS electrode (13.20 mA cm-2, 5.48%), respectively.